Disturbed Lands

April 4, 2023 Blog Environment

Disturbed Lands

There are places on Coal Creek that include abandoned coal strip mines and developed areas. The mined areas are highly degraded and could be candidates for experimental reintroduction trials of hybrid American chestnut trees. By restoring degraded lands to native forest types, mined land plantings meet multiple objectives. These plantings not only improve wildlife habitat and decrease forest fragmentation but also result in improved air and water quality, increased carbon sequestration, invasive exotic species suppression, and have economic benefits. The developed areas are living spaces (with great views) so, maybe disturbed, but also for family and friends.

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Landscapes like people get stressed.

Historically, open savannas and woodlands were largely maintained by periodic fire, which served to remove dense blankets of accumulated leaf litter from the ground and promote the growth of fire-adapted trees, such as shortleaf pine. Due to the loss of periodic fire, it is estimated that at least 90% of shortleaf pine-oak savanna has been lost.