September 5, 2019 Blog Environment
As an avid kayaker, I’m always excited to share new spots, especially ones for beginners and intermediates to hone their skills. That’s why I was overjoyed to discover a half-mile stretch of kayaking heaven in Spring City, Tennessee. This natural section of the Piney River is a beginner/intermediate paradise and has fantastic access from the Cumberland Trail State Park. Starting at the confluence of Piney River and Soak Creek, there are four rapids that offer up great variety and opportunity to refine one’s skills: everything from eddies, ferries, and attainment moves to multiple places to surf and a big pool to practice your roll. This section of the river is at its best when the flows are too low to run into Piney River proper or Soak Creek, making this a fun and manageable section, especially during winter and spring when flows are the lowest. This section of the Piney River is adjacent to the Piney River Management Area of the Cumberland State Scenic Trail. You can walk your boat about 75 yards through the park upstream to the confluence, paddle the four rapids, then get out on river right in the big pool and follow the trail back to the picnic area and your car. It’s that easy. Click here to read my full review posted on www.paddling.com of this great park and play option.
April 25 2023 Blog Environment
Some scientists estimate that native grasslands have declined by as much as 99 percent. By some estimates, this resulted in three billion fewer birds on the landscape than 50 years ago. This has harmed both the eastern meadowlark and the bobwhite which are both found on Coal Creek.
April 20 2023 Blog Environment
Historically, open savannas and woodlands were largely maintained by periodic fire, which served to remove dense blankets of accumulated leaf litter from the ground and promote the growth of fire-adapted trees, such as shortleaf pine. Due to the loss of periodic fire, it is estimated that at least 90% of shortleaf pine-oak savanna has been lost.