January 18, 2018 Blog Environment
I have lived along the same stretch of Miami Beach for the last twenty years. Over the last several months there have been several spotting’s of salt water crocodiles in places where I never saw or heard them before—Fisher Island, Bay Point, South Pointe…Here is my non-biologist layman take on all of it.
Something is changing in our environment. I am not sure what, and don’t want to guess. But it used to be that they all hung out in the warm waters off Turkey Point Nuclear Plant. It used to be that they were relatively harmless. Now I don’t know. What I do know is that something is changing and changing their feeding and roaming patterns as well. By the time we figure out what has changed, it might be too late to do anything. About the environment that’s changing, as well as the safety hazard these large reptiles might present. My take is that the rules of swimming in the bay are in might need to be re-written. I am not sure how, but we all need to pay attention!
April 25 2023 Blog Environment
Some scientists estimate that native grasslands have declined by as much as 99 percent. By some estimates, this resulted in three billion fewer birds on the landscape than 50 years ago. This has harmed both the eastern meadowlark and the bobwhite which are both found on Coal Creek.
April 20 2023 Blog Environment
Historically, open savannas and woodlands were largely maintained by periodic fire, which served to remove dense blankets of accumulated leaf litter from the ground and promote the growth of fire-adapted trees, such as shortleaf pine. Due to the loss of periodic fire, it is estimated that at least 90% of shortleaf pine-oak savanna has been lost.